dezembro 30, 2008
Prever o Retorno
Prever a Melancolia
dezembro 29, 2008
Prever o Degelo
dezembro 26, 2008
It's HO so quiet!
Sinto falta da condução do Johnny, que nos empurrava aos cinco, a cada curva, uns contra os outros. Amparávamo-nos mutuamente, sabendo que se alguém abandonasse o seu lugar estávamos em apuros. Era uma união atribulada, mas poderosa. O caos parecia reinar, mas as caixas onde um dia tinha existido um Jackie estavam criteriosamente empilhadas na banca da cozinha. No bengaleiro, os nossos casacos juntavam-se numa só silhueta.
A mesa da sala de jantar estava repleta de slides que ansiavam percorrer languidamente as cordas de uma guitarra. As harmónicas não conseguiam encontrar um sentido para a sua vida. Laptops escancarados esperavam segredos que pudessem revelar, quer no blog, quer no ecrã de alguns saudosos destinatários. O pão e vinho sobre a mesa (tal como o Jorri lembrou), não faltavam nos nossos serões. Pedaços da nossa vida eram espalhados nela: o verniz e a acetona, o livro em inglês, os guizos, o caderno de músicas, o pacote de batatas fritas, a chávena de chá ou de café, os cigarros a fumegar nas ranhuras de um cinzeiro, os xilofones ou o glockenspiel. As chaves do carro e telemóveis eram dispostos em cima da mesa, assim que chegávamos a casa. Estes eram sinais de um exterior adiado.
Quando alguém arrastava uma cadeira para se sentar à mesa, todos respondiam ao chamamento. Os dedos de conversa começavam a dedilhar a vida de todos nós. O jantar era preparado por quem primeiro se descuidasse, mostrando a intenção de abandonar esta assembleia. Degustávamos a refeição ao compasso das histórias contadas. E da fome, está claro. Seguia-se a preparação do dia seguinte. A conversa resvalava para os acordes e a música erguia-se como senhora de todos nós.
No fim de contas, o nosso mundo tinha uma certa ordem. De manhã tocavam despertadores em uníssono. E os a Jigsaw lá iam aparecendo na sala, um a um, empunhando o manípulo da máquina de café. Bocejos preenchiam o silêncio e a pouco e pouco despontava a boa disposição. As horas eram nossas. Na verdade, creio que deixaram de existir. Recordo tudo através de momentos. O momento em que acordávamos e os olhos ensonados se cruzavam; o momento em que o cenário de pijamas dava lugar ao dos jeans; o momento em que as torradas faziam piruetas no ar e a manteiga as enternecia; o momento em que entrávamos no estúdio e toda a gente se distribuía de acordo com as suas funções; o momento em que o Miro dizia “mais feeling” torcendo o nariz; o momento em que o Johnny ripostava com um “PUSSY GIRL” cheio de energia e nos envolvia em mais uma das suas narrativas; o momento em que o Jorri nos levava a lanchar e esboçava um sorriso de orgulho; o momento em que a Susana se enchia de coragem e nos amolecia o coração; o momento em que a Ni chegava com um abraço e um punhado de mimo; o momento em que a Sofia rasgava o cenário plantando raízes para levar; o momento em que parava para olhar todos eles.
Foi um prazer, estimados senhores e senhoras. Com a normalidade veio uma Noite de Natal e o silêncio. Estou acompanhada de um copinho de jeropiga, de uns bolinhos de abóbora e da lareira friorenta. As prendas, o carinho e o amor foram trocados. A minha família está agora a recuperar destes excessos de Natal. Já não são horas natalícias, mas esta é a minha prenda para vocês. It’s HO HO HO so quiet…. SHHHHH shhhhh
Daniela Côrtes Maduro
I miss Johnny’s driving skills. He used to make us five hang on to each other at every curve. If any of us left, we were sure to be in trouble. It was a tribulated union, but also a powerful one. Chaos seemed to be the ruler, but the boxes, where Jackie once lived were all neatly disposed over the kitchen’s table. Our coats were hanged in order to form a single silhouette.
The kitchen’s table was filled with slides which were dying to languidly slide down the guitar’s strings. The harmonicas could not find a meaning to their lives. Laptops were wide open, waiting for secrets to reveal, to the blog or to longing addressees. There was always bread and wine over the table (as Jorri once said), they never missed our evenings. There were pieces of our lives over the table: the nail polish and nail polish remover; the book written in English; the tiny bells; the music lyrics; the crisps’ bag; the tea or coffee mug; the cigars whose smoke curled out from the ash-trays, the xylophones and the glockenspiel. The car keys and the cell-phones were left over the table as soon as we arrived home. They were signs of a delayed exterior.
When anyone grabbed a chair, everybody would answer the call. Our life would be as strings played by our words. Dinner would be cooked by the first one of us who deserted this assembly. We savored our meal to the beat of the stories being told (as well as to the beat of our hunger). After this there was a preparation for our next day. The conversation gave place to chords and music was turned into our lady.
Our world had some kind of order after all. Each alarm-clock rang at the same time, on every morning. Each one of the a Jigsaws turned up in the kitchen with a coffee machine handle as if it were a sword. Yawns interrupted the silence and everybody was gradually in a much better mood. There were no hours. In fact, there were only moments. The moments we woke up and our sleepy eyes crossed; the moments the pijamas’ scenery gave place to the jeans’ scenery; the moments the toasts popped and were smoothed by butter; the moments we arrived to the studio and everybody were back in their places; the moments Miro asked for “more feeling”; the moments Johnny answered back with a “pussy cat” filled with energy and came up with another story to tell; the moments Jorri invited us to a break and smiled with proud; the moments Susana gathered courage and made our hearts melt; the moments Ni would arrive bringing a hug and a handful of sweetness; the moments Sofia would tear the scenery down and plant some roots to take with her; the moments I looked at all of these people.
It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen. Normality was followed by a Christmas Night and by silence. By my side there is wine, pumpkin cookies and a fireplace trembling with cold. Presents, sweetness and love were cherished. My family is now recovering from Christmas excesses. We are no longer under Christmas schedule, but this is my gift to you.
dezembro 24, 2008
Dia 26: ho! Ho! “God, i didn’t sing a Christmas song for so long”
Curioso como o dia acaba por ser o 26º. Hoje em estúdio está apenas o silêncio de lá não estarmos. Eu, o jorri, a Susana, o Miro, a Daniela, a Raquel, a Ni,o Mestre, o Gito, o Miguel, a Becky, hoje, estamos todos algures menos no estúdio. Mas de lá não saímos nem vamos sair mais, acho eu...
A história deste post tem segredos. Em conversa com o J., autor do blog , ele convidou-me para fazer uma versão de natal para postar no blog dele. Mas como o tempo no nosso refúgio passou mais rápido que o Jack, acabámos por não ter tempo para gravar a musica, apenas para a preparar. Pelo menos até ao dia 10, quando recebemos a Becky no covil… E a noite foi muito curta para tanto. A dado momento, ficámos os quatro encurralados no canto entre os olhos da Daniela por detrás da câmara e rodeados pelos flashes da Raquel. A gravação foi feita à primeira. Não havia outra maneira de o ser. Fizeste lá falta Miro.
Este é um dos momentos que resgatamos agora ao silêncio para dar a quem aqui vier hoje, ou amanhã, ou depois.
Feliz Natal (Eu não gosto do frio, mas é uma pena, que assim não há neve. seria realmente um natal branco, branquinho...),
Funny how this happens to be the 26th. Today, in the studio, only the silence of our absence remains. Me, Jorri, Susana, Daniela, Ni, Mestre, Gito, Miguel, Becky, today, we are somewhere else but in the studio. But we did not leave nor will we ever, I guess...
The story of this post has its secrets. While speaking with J., the author of the blog , he invited me to record a Christmas song to post on his blog. But since time in our refuge was faster than jack, we ended up not having enough time to record the song, only to prepare it. At least until the 10th day, when we welcomed Becky into our lair… And the night was too short for so much. At a certain point, the four of us were cornered between the eyes of Daniela behind the camera and Raquel’s flashes. The recording was done at the first try. There was no other way. You were missed there Miro.
This is one of the moments that we now save from the silence to offer whomever comes here today, or tomorrow, or after that.
Merry Christmas (I don't like the cold, but it's a shame it's not snowing... then it would really be a white, white Christmas)
25º dia: Miro e as curvas de gelo
Hoje fomos somente eu, o PC e muitas e muitas pistas para serem “limpas”, cortadas, editadas e preparadas para a voz do João Rui.
Como que com ingredientes para um bom petisco lá fui eu para o “fogão”. Alguns irão gostar, outros não. Mas no final o que realmente vai interessar são as 15 musicas num todo.
A sobremesa virá depois, em Abril.
Today was a different day: no instruments, no fighting partners, no jackie. Such peace and quiet. Something is missing….
Today it was only me, the PC, and a lot of tracks to be “cleaned”, chopped, edited and ready for João Rui’s voice.
As ingredients for a good snack, there I went to the “oven”. Some will like, others won’t. But in the end, what really matters are the 15 songs together as a whole.
The dessert will follow, in April.
dezembro 22, 2008
24º dia: Neves, resinas e Primaveras
A luz foi nos trocando as voltas… a luz??? Terá sido ela? Facto é que, quais diligências do diabo, dei por mim no silêncio de uma sala gélida e do outro lado da câmara – Ai Jack!!! Volta para mim que se está mal aqui…
As horas todas cruzadas: O João, exorcizado, liberta-se do amigo e incorpora o Kazoo; a Susana materializa a música e põe o violino a arder; o Jorri, de mãos nas teclas, mangas curtas, insiste em combater o Inverno que lhe chegou; o Miro que volta a saltar para o outro lado da sala e deixa a plateia a rir; a Daniela que apanha o mesmo comboio, passa para o outro lado da janela e se junta ao trio a fazer estalidos; e a Ni… que empresta, mais uma vez, o coração.
Mais uma viagem pela frente e a especialíssima sensação de que nas paredes daquela casa não deixámos nada senão Segredos e que os frutos dessa sabedoria se colherão, a qualquer dia, numa qualquer outra mesa de cozinha.
Nota: Como vegetariana que sou, não partilho deste anseio de ver o coelho cair na panela. Contudo, adoro refogados, e julgo que, tão cedo, não voltarei a saborear o prazer de ver tantos tubérculos juntos a perder a casca.
It happened on a full moon day that kept resisting Winter’s arrival… We started out with Johnny, in the kitchen, showing his feet, and Susana exhibiting a super nutrient dose of good morning humour. We knew the time had come to return the keys to the house where we shared each others for the past few days. A burden indeed, still I prepared myself for a journey of photographs that I kept missing.
The light changed our courses… the light??? Was it her? The fact is that, like the devil’s paths, I ended up in the silence of a cold room and on the other side of the camera – Oh Jack!!! Come back to me, it’s hard in here…
The hours kept changing: Johnny, exorcized, liberates himself from his buddy Jack and incorporates the Kazoo; Susana turns music into matter and burns down the violin; Jorri, his hands on the keyboards, his slivers up, insists on fighting the Winter that arrived to him; Miro returns to the other side of the room and makes us laugh; Daniela enters the same train, goes over to the other side of the window and joins the trio; and Ni… that, once again, borrows her heart.
Another trip ahead and this very special feeling that nothing was left on the walls of that house besides Secrets, and the fruits of that Wisdom will be enjoyed, any day, anytime, in some other kitchen table.
Thank you all!
dezembro 21, 2008
23º dia: "One bottle of Jack, two bottles of Jack, we need more Jack"
Back to the studio, today was one to accompany my last stringed animal to the yard that we currently call the new album that we are recording at the present moment. He came flashy with 36 fiery strings. The autoharp is already singing there. The rest of the day was spend recording harmonicas each one in its own tone, each one in our tone. Wonderful. After that, Susana, in a leap of faith, played the xylophon to end the day well. Tomorrow Jorri returns in his upright bass turn and we’re done with strings. Ah, and piano afterwards.. oh, and Susana will do her thing on the piano as well and other percussive things.
22º dia: Framboesas nas curvas da estrada

Nota: Hoje o Jorri não esteve connosco, mas faz cá muita falta! ;)
The day began well. There’s nothing more motivating than an almost winter morning with Sun. The trip to the studio was a quiet one, with good music on the speakers and a serene traffic in the highway. I was the first to arrive: work was scheduled to be done with boss Miro the entire afternoon. As we were unloading the car: an alto xylophone, a soprano xylophone, the glockenspiel, the violin, the melodica… where is the melodica? Did you unload it Miro? No… the instrument was not inside the studio nor lost anywhere inside my car…. After some little arithmetics and rebuilding the scenes in my mind, I came to the tragic-stupid conclusion that I had left it on the hood of my car and that it must have been lost somewhere along the way. The moments that followed were of some despair and convulsive telephone calls- but nothing could be done. My keyed fried was lost forever, lost in some road bend or in the hands of some idiot that probably went home saying “look what i found on the road, a pipe!!”… The recordings had to begin inevitably by the xylophones, that are supposed to give color and texture to some of the themes. In the middle of the afternoon, João’s message “we already have a melodica”, gave birth to relief and a smile. Thank you boys! I ended up recording all that was scheduled, including the themes with my new little girl with the keys, that is the color of raspberry.
Note: today Jorri wasn’t with us, but is dearly missed! ;)
21º dia: A Fuga
Hoje era eu que parecia o coelho da Alice, pois tive o dia todo a olhar para as horas, não porque a companhia não era boa (o contrabaixo e o harmonium até são dois dos meus instrumentos preferidos), mas hoje, o estúdio não era o covil onde eu era mais preciso.
No final do dia, arrumei a trouxa e zarpei, rumo a um covil distante onde uma torre serve de farol.
Today it was I that looked like Alice’s Rabbit, as I was looking at the time the whole day. Not because the company was not god (the upright bass and the harmonium are two of my favorite instruments), but today, the studio was not the lair where I was needed the most.
At the end of the day, I packed my stuff and sailed off to a distant lair, where a tower plays the part of a lighthouse.
20º dia: Dueto Anunciado
Quando regressei ao refúgio, voltei a vestir o camuflado e aninhei-me na guarita, para mais uma noite de vigia, mas lá fora tudo parecia diferente, os lobos não paravam de uivar e a lua cheia, lá no alto, dava mais luz do que nas outras noites. Fiquei com os sentidos mais alerta, mas depois percebi que ambos, os lobos e a lua, estavam a guiar uma lobita para o seu covil.
Finally, the day came, mine and my upright bass, whom i’ve called my most recent companion. When Miro and I arrived to the studio, we went, worried, to see how our friend was. And after the respective patch, we triend him again. And this time his voice was clean and in tune. I spent the afternoon cudling him and he never ceased to sing , until we were interrupted by, guess who… Alice’s Rabbit (in a hurry, as usual and with a guitar beneath his arm). I took a pause in my duet and João Finished his guitars, adding another old faithful friend to the herd – a 60 year old lap steel. As soon as the guitars were done, the pack, now with Mestre along, went out to hunt for preys. We feasted with some nice ribs (still, it wasn’t today that we skinned the rabbit). Back to the lair, I went back to my duet. Snuggled but the silence of the night,we carried on….
When I went back to our refuge, I dressed my overcoat again and spent another night of vigil. Outside everything seemed different. The wolves were howling and the moon, up high, was brighter than the other nights. My senses were sharper for I figured that both the wolves and the moon were guiding a little wolf to her lair.
19º dia: O Fechar da Caixa
Here I am again. During the weekend, João and Susana ended the recording of acoustic guitars and violins, respectively, so today was only for me. After adjusting a couple of things and editing a couple of others, I and Miro went back to our Pandora’s Box and spent the afternoon recreating the weirdest sounds, many of which even Dumbo himself will not be able to listen – at least at the first try. At the end, we closed the box. But three names mark the afternoon: Miro, JR (Mestre) and Cash, all for different reasons: Miro, that, for whom does not know, has Brazilian blood, lifted his “butt” from the producer big chair and went to the other side of the glass to give away to his tribal roots on the cajon. Mestre came by the end of the afternoon to say hi, and ended up sweeping the adufe. Now Mr. Cash is registered to all eternity, but to know how, you must hear the album later…
dezembro 15, 2008
18º dia: guitarras & guitarras

Today was a day of electricity in the studio. Everything turned upside down. For starters Jorri stayed asleep when I left home, which was weird (of course that in truth he does not sleep. Allegedly he just closes his eyes to concentrate… oh well, to gather speed). And then it was really a day for electrics and slides. Miro and I came a bit disappointed yesterday with some of those, but today we began burning the house down real soon. Starting from scratch and carving our way through the pines. Me, tearing chords apart and Miro, pointing everything down in a notebook. Beautiful…. There was still time to add up some banjo. And if today i was with a 40 year old one, the day after tomorrow I’ll be with one of 60… let the lap steel come so that i can finally end the strings in the album. Or maybe not, since there is still one other detail with a stringed animal.
17º: guitarras e violino

The violins are finally over. What can I say? My left arm hurts and my neck and my back on the area of the shoulder blades. Ehehehe, what I really need is a SPA (And I’m not talking about the Portuguese Society of Authors) :P enfim… Next week I’ll return to the lair, to record what I like to call my junk. Today I shared the studio with João Rui, who was recording guitars, banjo and mandolin. During the afternoon we had power failure, but the fire didn’t stop on the finger-picked strings. I think that it hasn’t already been commented here, that at the door of the studio a boat is “parked”. A Boat!! It’s true, a boat to remind us that the testimony of the “letters from the boatman” is being passed on. In this puzzle everything completes itself and is meaningful! Oh Row
16º dia: violino e guitarras #N
15º dia : percussões e violino

14º dia: Mil e Uma Histórias de Sons

No final do dia, quando regressei para o aconchego do nosso refúgio, a cantarolar as melodias e a bater o pé ao ritmo, abri a porta e veio uma aragem fria… brre... que arrepio, mas depois não ouvi vozes, não cheirava ao jantar, estava vazio. Mas como alguém tem que ficar de guarda, entrei, vesti o camuflado e passei a noite na guarita.
At the end of the day, when I returned to the comfort of our shelter, humming the melodies and beating my foot to the rhythm, I opened up the door and a cold draft came from inside… brrr.. What a shiver. But then, I did not hear voices and there was no scent of dinner.. The house was empty. But since someone has to keep guard, I went in, dressed my camouflage jacket and spent the night in the bunker.
13º dia: Contra (Tempo) Baixo

No final do dia, a Ni e a Pantera apareceram a pedir abrigo e acabamos a devorar hambúrgueres e cachorros. Para a próxima o coelho não escapa!
Só uma palavra de carinho para o meu mais recente companheiro, descansa bem, porque para a semana temos novo dueto.
At the end of the day, Ni and Panther came asking for shelter and we ended up devouring hamburgers and hot dogs. Next time the rabbit will not escape!
Just a caring word for my most recent partner: rest well, for next week we will have another duet.
dezembro 10, 2008
12º dia: Interrupção Temporária
A cabeça e o subconsciente continuam a magicar ideias, a pensar em sons e insistem em não deixar que, por alguns segundos, o cantarolar da Becky deixe de ecoar na minha mente. Será que ando a ficar maluco?
Os temas começam a ter “chão” e personalidade própria, uns nesta fase mais que outros. A carta do barqueiro chegou a bom porto. Vamos ver quão grande será este lobo e se vai ter força para deitar a casa abaixo. Acredito que sim.
Andamos numa de signos e astrologia e assim sendo para parafrasear alguém que é de gémeos: “Eu sou o maior!” Ou será que é o meu alter-ego o maior e que ando a sentir a falta do amigo Jackie?
Lala lala lalalala
PS: Prometo no futuro deixar um post para os mais interessados em gravações/misturas, com o que fizemos, usámos, etc…
Today is day off. Time off for the body. Time off for some extra hours of sleep (at least for me and Jorri). Time off for wearing my pyjamas at this hour…
My head and subconscious keep on working on some ideas, thinking about sounds. Both insist on keeping Becky’s voice from echoing in my mind now and then. Am I crazy?
Each theme begins to have a clear shape and its own personality. At this stage, some more than others. The boatman’s letter has reached dry land. Let’s see how big will this wolf be and if it will blow the house in. I believe it will.
Since we have been talking about signs and astrology, I will paraphrase someone whose sign is Gemini: “I’m the best!”. Or is it my alter-ego who’s the best and I have been missing my friend Jackie?
Lala lala lalalala
PS: From now on, I promise to leave a post for those who are interested in recordings/mixings; whatever we may have used and applied, etc…
dezembro 09, 2008
11º dia: Numa noite de Inverno
Ao sentir-me renegada virei mais a Sul. Desta vez era o vento e a chuva que indicavam o caminho. A noite tinha tombado com todo o seu peso à minha volta e o rádio emitia um código indecifrável que tinia repetidamente. Acabei por me livrar dele.
Não conhecia a estrada que percorria e esperava que o nosso diálogo fosse breve. Ao ser assolada pelos golpes de chuva que retumbava encorajada pelo vento, a estrada mantinha uma voz áspera. Desejava pelo momento de separação. No entanto, ela era agora a única companhia. O preto e o branco preenchiam o meu campo de visão, num itinerário intermitente. Sabia que este percurso monocromático me preparava para um destino, ali mais à frente.
Ansiava pela última linha recta e queria agora uma curva à direita. Quando esse momento chegou, ainda haviam outras curvas a descobrir. A estrada continuava a sugerir pistas que eu recolhia. Apareciam várias circunferências, as quais tinham que ser cuidadosamente delineadas até saber em que ponto deveria abandoná-las. Enquanto isto, as bermas da estrada falavam de uma ponte seguida de um fontanário. Avisavam também que haveria um sítio onde um lobo estava aninhado e prestes a acordar.
De súbito, a estrada emudeceu, mas a sua presença sibilante ainda soava nos meus ouvidos. Ela tinha-me levado a um portão branco e à minha frente estava uma casa branca. Afinal a barreira de cristais cintilantes tinha entrado numa demanda para me trazer aqui. Nas paredes lia “Visitas”. Saí do carro e dirigi-me a uma porta igualmente branca. Quando a abri fui surpreendida com amigos, que se cruzavam ao longo de duas salas musicadas. Entre eles partilhavam acordes e versos. Partilhavam igualmente o movimento de uma garrafa que se precipitava para derramar os seus segredos. As duas salas eram separadas por um cristal. Numa delas, havia quadros com luzes que pululavam ao compasso das histórias narradas. Noutra, havia vários instrumentos que permaneciam vibrantes no ar. O chão das salas estava decorado com linhas pretas distribuídas aleatoriamente. Essas linhas ligavam as duas divisões. Percebi que o que se passava numa sala teria impacto na outra. Sentei-me para ver o que iria acontecer deste lado do cristal. Ao meu lado estava agora um lobo aninhado que espreguiçava no chão, abrindo os olhos passo a passo, prestes a acordar.
On a winter’s night
I arrived on a cold night. I was heading to a town behind the hills, but the snow didn’t let me go through. The North was under-covered. And I have lost it. The heather and the granite rocks described by Miguel Torga had founded an invincible brotherhood. Whispering between them, they have arranged to take the tarmac’s place and pave the floor their own way. And so they did it. They have dressed themselves with an ironed white suit and they have turned themselves into an army of a million. There was no way through. The icy lock had isolated Trás-os-Montes region.
I felt rejected and turned South. This time the wind and rain leaded the way. The night had fallen heavily around me and the radio spoke through a steady, unbreakable code. I finally decided to get reed of it.
I didn’t know the road and I was hoping our dialog would come to an end. It was being assaulted by a rain encouraged by the wind and spoke with a harsh voice. I was wishing for the moment we broke up. However the road was my only friend. My vision was trapped within a black and white landscape, a twitching itinerary. I knew this monochromatic travel was preparing me for a destination, ahead.
I was longing for the last straight line and I now wanted a curve at my right side. When that moment came, there were much more curves to discover. The road kept on giving me hints which I followed. There were plenty of circles, which I was supposed to carefully delineate until I reached an exit point. During this, the road hedges were telling me about a bridge followed by a fountain. They also warned me about a place where a wolf was curled, almost awaked.
Suddenly, the road was silent, but its sibilant voice was still present in my head. It has taken me to a white gate. There was also a white house in front of me. After all, the white crystals’ barrier had kept a secret plan to lead me here. On the walls it was written “Visitors”. I stepped out of the car and I went towards an equally white door. When I opened it I was surprised to find some friends, walking along two rooms filled with music. They shared chords and verses. They also shared the movement of a bottle leaning over to reveal its secrets. The two rooms were separated by a crystal. In one of them, there were frames with lights twinkling to the beat of the stories which were being told. In the other, there were instruments vibrating suspended in the air. The living room floor was decorated with randomly distributed black lines. These lines linked both rooms. I understood that whatever took place in one room would have an impact on the second. So I sat down on this side of the crystal to see what might happen. By my side there was a wolf curled up on the floor. It was gradually opening his eyes, almost awaked.
dezembro 08, 2008
10º dia: A Becky chega ao Covil

Joao Rui
Becky arrives to the Lair.
Until now, we only had photos. Becky supposed was to write a text, but it was all very quick, like a typhoon, and there was no time for anything; despite that we had time for everything. The journey began on Friday when I went with Daniela to Guimarães, to see her play live. Then it was a question of logistics and bringing her to the lair without the technical wonders of mobile phones. ... marvelous ... On Sunday, me and Raquel went to Torres Novas to get her from the hotel, with only two hours of bad sleep and 45 minutes of shower. But okay, we went there with Prince (who was compensating for our delay), to discover later, in the words of Becky: "I wish there was a radio station that only broadcasted Prince." After that we had a trip a la Paris-Texas, with the voice of Becky on top of a bed made of splintered water on the road, with the noise of tires hovering.
As soon as we got to the studio we attacked the music that now is not only ours, it is also of Gito’s and Miguel’s, and now, also of Becky. Wonderful! After that, we had another night with far fewer hours than stories. There was time for the Christmas songs and to prepare the music to record on the following day; and there was time for moments that now belong to silence. Ours, above all, but they are still heard in between the words that she left on tape. Saudade remains. Now she’s gone to foreign lands, like Miguel and Gito. And the lair, whenever a friend comes and then parts, gets a little colder. Only Jack insists on a renewed presence. Saudade remains.
9º dia: A Receita!

dezembro 06, 2008
8º dia: Banjo, Guitarra, Ukelele

A Jigsaw é Sagitário, convém estarmos atentos ao que os astros nos dizem. E, depois de uma noite como a de ontem, urge ganhar algum juízo. Por isso, foi com sobriedade e algum estoicismo que o João Rui continuou a gravação das guitarras, banjo e ukelele. Os contornos das canções começam a ficar cada vez mais definidos, o som vai ganhando corpo. Os dedos do João tiveram diálogos acesos com o metrónomo, mas, Miro, deixa que a música se dedique às vozes do seu próprio inconsciente. São os astros que o ditam! :P
Astrologic forecast: "This might be a good day for you to dedicate yourself to the voices of your subconscious, resolving once and for all some emotional issues. Do not flee from this confrontation and take part of your day to be with yourself” . A Jigsaw is Sagittarius, one must be aware of what the stars have to tell us. And, after a night as yesterday, it’s imperative to gram some sense. Because of that, it was with sobriety and some stoicism that João Rui continued the recording of the guitars, banjo and ukelele. The contours of the songs are getting more and more defined; the sound is building up. The fingers of João had inflamed dialogues with the metronome, but, Miro, let the song dedicated itself to the voices of its own unconscious. The stars that dictate that! : P
7º dia: A Parafernália do João
Se pensarmos que no estúdio reina a paciência e parece que ouvimos sons pela primeira vez, em casa esse delírio passa a fazer parte do tempo presente, passado e futuro. Não saberei dizer se é da parafernália de registos (fotografias, vídeo e memória visual), se do cansaço, mas o certo é que somos tomados de um espírito natalício que nos leva a deambular pela casa às 6 da manhã em trajes que lembram cenas de filmes clássicos. Passa-se que as mentes fervilham, apropriam-se dos condimentos à disposição e entram em ebulição. Amanhã não haverá dor de costas, nem cansaço que nos impeça de pensar que até ao fim do ano somos anatomicamente disformes. Possam até lá não nos falar em sonhos, pois o certo é que o silêncio, por 1 hora que seja, é Rei.
In between journeys that insist on sliding, meetings of evaluation and disappearances in service stations, finally we arrive to Vilamar (and if the entrance gives shelter…). If we would think that in the studio patience reigns and it looks as though we hear sounds for the first time, at home that delirium turns into part of the future, past, and present time. I could not say whether it’s because of the paraphernalia of registers (photographs, video and visual memory), or of the tiredness, but the certain thing is that we are invaded by a Christmas spirit that makes us dwell at home, 6am in suits that recalls of scenes of classical movies. The minds boil, appropriate themselves of the seasonings at disposal and boil. Tomorrow there will be no back pain, neither tiredness that can prevent us from thinking that up to the end of the year, we are anatomically deformed. Even if thee will not speak to us in dreams, the certain is that the silence, for 1 hour that be, is King.
dezembro 04, 2008
6º dia: Guitarras #1

Finally, guitars on tape. They should have been there already. Another bunch of strange ideas by Miro, that worked (like they always do) well. Tomorrow we'll keep on swinging between several strings.
dezembro 03, 2008
5º dia: Não há bolo para ninguém
Today was a preparation day. The sound is set to begin recording tomorrow. And in the midst of all this, Iforgot that it was the band's birthday. Generally, we're out there, somewhere playing live. This time, the celebration had to be at home. And now, at this late hour, Jorri remembered me that we have another day over our shoulder. (mental note: happy birthday to self)
4º dia: Bateria & Contrabaixo (forasteiros #2 & #3 = Miguel & Gito)

Fica aqui um grande abraço e um enorme obrigado ao Gito e ao Miguel, por terem aceite o convite e pela simpatia. Foi e será sempre um enorme prazer partilhar as nossas músicas com eles, em estúdio e nos palcos. Tenho a certeza que esta foi a primeira de muitas colaborações.
E com isto tudo, bombos, tarolas, timbalões e pratos já estão arrumados nas suas caixas... o trabalho deles acabou... agora venham as guitarras...
The day began with following sms "hey, we're in A6, almost arriving Évora, what's the exit ? Hug, Gito" ... it even seems like a normal message: Gito was coming with Miguel (both members of the band Soaked Lamb) from Lisbon to record Upright Bass and Drums (respectively). And so far, nothing abnormal, except the detail that the studio is near Aveiro and they were on the way to Évora. The story ended well, and after all they were really coming to the studio and arrived on time. After that, they spent the afternoon adding more notes to the songs that are, since friday, already hiding in the studio. Tomorrow they will have the company of João and his guitars, banjos, mandolins, ukuleles and i don't know what else.
Here's a big hug and a huge thank you to Gito and Miguel for taking our invitation and for their kindness, It was and always will be an enormous pleasure to share our songs with them, in the studio and on stage. I'm shure that this was just the first of many collaborations to come.
And with all of this, kick drums, snares, toms and cymbals, already in their cases... their work is done. let the guitars come now...
dezembro 01, 2008
3º dia: bateria #2
Fica aqui um vídeo de hoje, extremamente aconselhável. Comigo e com o Jorri dentro da sala de gravações e o C.R. no leme. Épico.
João Rui
Drums’ last day. I mean, at least the basic ones. C.R. kept on bringing the house down. Tomorrow, the studio lights up with two friends/guests. One for drums and the other for upright bass (promising).
Here’s a video of today’s affairs. Highly recommendable. With me and Jorri inside the recording chamber and C.R. at the helm. An epic!