agosto 12, 2010
A 70 dias de casa
Começamos por Málaga, sul de Espanha. O calor foi nosso fiel companheiro desde a partida de Coimbra – é curioso o sorriso da frescura de 30 graus: quando nos vemos envoltos a cada segundo que passa por dez graus mais, então os 30 são um bálsamo impressionante.
Adormecemos em Málaga à espera da abertura das portas da “La Caja Blanca”
Sinfonia de cigarras.
Inicio auspicioso. Ouvidos preciosos.
Este palco foi hoje lugar onde estreámos duas músicas novas. Terá sempre lugar no coração.
Assim que cai o pano regressamos ao calor da noite. Ruas desertas, calor abrasador.

70 days from home - This time the sun will hear our footsteps everywhere until we return home. 70 Days, twelve countries and about 50 concerts. Hell, the wolf has so much to walk. We begin by Malaga, southern Spain. Heat was our faithful companion since the departure from Coimbra – it’s curious, the smile of the freshness of 30 degrees: when we are surrounded every second that passes by ten more degrees, then 30 is an impressive balm. The night and its charms: Sevilha at 6 am had been waiting for us to wake up the statues of funeral that lurked beneath the arches of the cathedral. Hurried footsteps of morning vigils. We fell asleep in Malaga waiting for the opening the doors of La Caja Blanca. Symphony of Buzzers. Auspicious beginnings. Precious ears. This stage was where today we debuted two new songs. This stage will always have place in my heart. As soon as the curtain falls we return to the heat of the night. Deserted streets. Burning heat. Joao Rui