E quando assim for, o sonho acabou.
Regressados a terras onde somos raízes, descemos até Leiria para o encontro com os tectos antigos do Orfeão Velho. As paredes gravadas a história recebem-nos de tal forma que em poucos fôlegos nos tornamos o sangue que pulsa dentro delas – e nisto, o doce abraço da companhia de teatro “O Nariz” acolhe o lobo no seu seio e convida-o a correr ao seu lado.
As traves mudas do tecto gemem a tristeza de uma partida anunciada, mas já se ouve o roçar de espadas na antecâmara da batalha. É uma luta que vem do coração; são lutas que geralmente não se perdem – coragem meus bravos.
Se pudesse ficava aqui entre as vossas fileiras, mas o lobo já ouve as peles curtidas de outros tambores que ecoam noutras paragens.
(Coragem meus bravos, do outro da batalha o vosso futuro delicia-se nos vossos passos de hoje)
Joao Rui

Between doors - We keep walking between doors. Some of return and others of departure. And even these, they carry with them two destinations that shatter in many others. But if you complain about too many doors, you just need to stand in one, without going forward or moving backwards. We rest our head against the door and we expect release of immobility. On the other side you can hear the muffled laughter of what we will not go to. And if this is so, then the dream is over. Returning to the land where we are also roots, we went down to Leiria for the meeting with the ceilings of the old Orfeão Velho. The walls, engraved with the history welcomes us so that in a few breaths we become the blood pulsing inside them - and here, the sweet embrace of the theater company "O Nariz" welcomes the wolf in his bosom and calls him to run beside him. The beams of the roof are moaning the sadness of an announced departure. But I hear the rustling of blades in the anteroom of the battle. It is a struggle that comes from the heart, and these struggles usually do not get lost – courage my brave ones. I wish I could stay here among your ranks, but the wolf is already hearing the tanned skins of other drums echoing elsewhere.
(Courage my brave ones for in the other side of the battle your future delights in your footsteps of today) Joao Rui