Hoje foi Vila Real de novo, como há mais de um ano atrás, ainda o lobo era apenas uma miragem junto à porta que nós fomos descobrir. O espaço foi diferente e o número dos que hoje acudiram ao Teatro de Vila Real foi maior. Bom reencontrar caras que nos recordamos desse concerto na “Espontânea”.
Prometemos regresso.
Gostei de vos ver
Joao Rui

Our Mountains - I seem to write everything in rooms of anonymous hotels of which I forget two minutes after I leave. But I never lose the memory of places ... while returning to Trás-os-Montes is impossible not to recall the mountains where we walked the last few months - and the difference lies only in the time that those memories are within us. These mountains that already know the weight of the steps have a long history with my heart and so, as I returned on my way through them, the memories rush to the balconies of my heart, where my smile hangs, just to collect new memories. Today was Vila Real again, like more than a year ago, when the wolf was just a mirage at the door we found. This time the space was different and the number of people who arrived at the Teatro de Vila Real was higher. It was good to rediscover faces we remember from that concert in "Espontânea". We promise return. I was pleased to see you Joao Rui