Fica aqui um grande abraço e um enorme obrigado ao Gito e ao Miguel, por terem aceite o convite e pela simpatia. Foi e será sempre um enorme prazer partilhar as nossas músicas com eles, em estúdio e nos palcos. Tenho a certeza que esta foi a primeira de muitas colaborações.
E com isto tudo, bombos, tarolas, timbalões e pratos já estão arrumados nas suas caixas... o trabalho deles acabou... agora venham as guitarras...
The day began with following sms "hey, we're in A6, almost arriving Évora, what's the exit ? Hug, Gito" ... it even seems like a normal message: Gito was coming with Miguel (both members of the band Soaked Lamb) from Lisbon to record Upright Bass and Drums (respectively). And so far, nothing abnormal, except the detail that the studio is near Aveiro and they were on the way to Évora. The story ended well, and after all they were really coming to the studio and arrived on time. After that, they spent the afternoon adding more notes to the songs that are, since friday, already hiding in the studio. Tomorrow they will have the company of João and his guitars, banjos, mandolins, ukuleles and i don't know what else.
Here's a big hug and a huge thank you to Gito and Miguel for taking our invitation and for their kindness, It was and always will be an enormous pleasure to share our songs with them, in the studio and on stage. I'm shure that this was just the first of many collaborations to come.
And with all of this, kick drums, snares, toms and cymbals, already in their cases... their work is done. let the guitars come now...
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