O dia começou bem, não há nada mais motivante que uma manhã de quase Inverno com sol. A viagem para o estúdio foi tranquila, com boa música nas colunas e trânsito sereno na auto-estrada. Fui a primeira a chegar, estava previsto trabalhar toda a tarde com o chefe Miro. Fomos descarregando o carro: um xilofone baixo, um xilofone alto, um xilofone soprano, glockenspiel, violino, melódica… onde está a melódica, Miro, foste tu que a descarregaste? Não… o instrumento não estava dentro do estúdio, nem perdido dentro do meu carro… Depois de feitas as contas e a reconstituição da cena, cheguei à trágico-estúpida conclusão de que a pousara no capot do carro e que provavelmente ficara perdida pelo caminho. Os momentos que se seguiram foram de algum desespero e convulsivos telefonemas, mas nada feito, a minha amiga das teclas estava perdida para sempre, caída nalguma curva de estrada ou nas mãos de algum idiota que provavelmente chegou a casa e disse “Vejam o que encontrei na estrada - uma gaita!!”… As gravações tiveram que começar necessariamente pelos xilofones, que pretendem dar cor e textura a alguns temas. A meio da tarde, a mensagem do João “Já temos melódica!”, nasceu o alívio e um sorriso, obrigada, rapazes! Acabei por gravar tudo o que estava programado para hoje, incluindo os temas com a minha nova menina das teclas, que é cor de framboesa.
Nota: Hoje o Jorri não esteve connosco, mas faz cá muita falta! ;)
The day began well. There’s nothing more motivating than an almost winter morning with Sun. The trip to the studio was a quiet one, with good music on the speakers and a serene traffic in the highway. I was the first to arrive: work was scheduled to be done with boss Miro the entire afternoon. As we were unloading the car: an alto xylophone, a soprano xylophone, the glockenspiel, the violin, the melodica… where is the melodica? Did you unload it Miro? No… the instrument was not inside the studio nor lost anywhere inside my car…. After some little arithmetics and rebuilding the scenes in my mind, I came to the tragic-stupid conclusion that I had left it on the hood of my car and that it must have been lost somewhere along the way. The moments that followed were of some despair and convulsive telephone calls- but nothing could be done. My keyed fried was lost forever, lost in some road bend or in the hands of some idiot that probably went home saying “look what i found on the road, a pipe!!”… The recordings had to begin inevitably by the xylophones, that are supposed to give color and texture to some of the themes. In the middle of the afternoon, João’s message “we already have a melodica”, gave birth to relief and a smile. Thank you boys! I ended up recording all that was scheduled, including the themes with my new little girl with the keys, that is the color of raspberry.
Note: today Jorri wasn’t with us, but is dearly missed! ;)
Nota: Hoje o Jorri não esteve connosco, mas faz cá muita falta! ;)
The day began well. There’s nothing more motivating than an almost winter morning with Sun. The trip to the studio was a quiet one, with good music on the speakers and a serene traffic in the highway. I was the first to arrive: work was scheduled to be done with boss Miro the entire afternoon. As we were unloading the car: an alto xylophone, a soprano xylophone, the glockenspiel, the violin, the melodica… where is the melodica? Did you unload it Miro? No… the instrument was not inside the studio nor lost anywhere inside my car…. After some little arithmetics and rebuilding the scenes in my mind, I came to the tragic-stupid conclusion that I had left it on the hood of my car and that it must have been lost somewhere along the way. The moments that followed were of some despair and convulsive telephone calls- but nothing could be done. My keyed fried was lost forever, lost in some road bend or in the hands of some idiot that probably went home saying “look what i found on the road, a pipe!!”… The recordings had to begin inevitably by the xylophones, that are supposed to give color and texture to some of the themes. In the middle of the afternoon, João’s message “we already have a melodica”, gave birth to relief and a smile. Thank you boys! I ended up recording all that was scheduled, including the themes with my new little girl with the keys, that is the color of raspberry.
Note: today Jorri wasn’t with us, but is dearly missed! ;)
É sempre bom saber que fazemos falta...