agosto 30, 2010
agosto 29, 2010
Ora, Itália 29.08.2010

Ora, Italy 29.08.2010 - Before leaving. Still time for lunch in the garden, by the hands of the Machinist. A Grilled barbecue, a famished reminiscent of our country ... Tickets in hand, we smile to our next destination, which is on the other side of Italy, on the heel of the boot. A very long journey that will last all night awaits for us, so we part at the the time the sun sets. The certainty of a return diminishes the longing for Ora ... Thank you, Morgan! :) Susana
Una stazione nel sorriso
Seguimos em direcção a Davos com a ameaça permanente da chuva e se queremos sua ausência o que mais podemos é ascender às nuvens que nos convidam ao chão. Acima das nuvens, os Alpes, por onde nos esgueiramos de novo até Itália. Incríveis tapetes de rocha e verde-vida fazem do nevoeiro o incêndio que lhes parece tolher a violência.
A viagem podia bem ter sido num comboio perdido porque o destino é uma estação onde nasce o sorriso do Morgan, o nosso eterno Maquinista.
Construiu um palco de saudade no jardim onde as velas de cada mesa se encostam ao vento que percorre as luzes penduradas nas videiras que o ornamentam.
Vieram lobos de entre as montanhas: Stefano, Daniela, Paolo, Umberto… passageiros deste maquinista que nos acompanha com o seu olhar de ferro.
Regresso esperado…
João Rui

Ora, Itália 29.08.2010

Ora, Itália 29.08.2010 - Morning in Aur-Ora! :) So beautiful! Surrounded by mountains of green and oxygen.The building that now houses the Piccolo Teatro was once a railway station, which gives lots of charm and charisma to this place. It was not by chance that we christened the Morgan Silvestri the Machinist!During the morning there was time to rest and to record some videos "on the road" with the Machinist (who is also a musician) behind and in front of the camera! Who has attended a concert knows that Joao Rui tells many stories and episodes of our tour involving innocuous incidents with police. The Carabinieri in Italy, have a special place in our memories, a very special place near the image of the Bad wolf! : P But in Ora even the Carabinieri are friendly and communicative people, and they agreed to take a group photo with us! : D fantastic! If one day the three of us arrive at a consensus to this effect, we will post here this memorable family photo! ;) Susana
agosto 28, 2010
Ora, Itália 28.08.2010
Em breve partilharemos convosco algumas imagens (vídeo) do interior do Piccolo Teatro. Aguardem!! ;)

Ora, Italy 28.08.2010 - Inside, the Aur-Ora, Arci's Association, is a very cozy space! And the friendliness of Morgan and Agostino perfectly complement this sense of comfort! Aside from the concert hall, where we played in February, it also has a toy library and a reading room, an exhibition hall and the jam sessions bar and a terrace. Soon we will share with you some images (video) from inside the Piccolo Teatro. Wait!;) Susana
Ora, Itália 28.08.2010

Ora, Italy 28.08.2010 - If we dawned in the Alps, we were watching the sunset in Ora where our dear friend Morgan was already waiting for us, with the stage set between the new flavor of the grapes and the last rays of sun. The 1st time we were here in February we played the "Piccolo Teatro" inside the building, but we are in August and one must enjoy it before the snow returns. Susana
Regresso aos Alpes 28.08.2010

Return to the Alps 28.08.2010 - rise. rise. rise. sharp right. Even sharper to the left . And another left. And right again. And left. 3000 meters and deep breathing. wishing to tast the fresh water from the springs in the end (or beginning?) of the world. Meander. down. down. down. meander. Jorri at the wheel, the eternal captain of this ship. Joao Rui and I amazed, between interjections of astonishment, with cameras in hand, trying to record for posterity what it is possible in a moving van. Here are some of those records. Susana
Da Estrada
Como se fora a vertigem da saudade.
Então, toma-se balanço e avança-se sem medo.
A estrada é longa, sinuosa e vai-te partir o coração: porque metade fica onde ela nasce e a outra, porque as tuas mãos nada são sem ele, segue contigo.
João Rui

Of the road - How is the road? Well, a moment before rushing into it, we realize how much we will miss the sea. And most of all, the people who will not follow us but inside the chest. As if it was the vertigo of longing Then, one takes balance and moves without fear. The road is long, winding and it will break your heart, because half stays where the road is born and the other, because your hands are nothing without him goes with you. João Rui
agosto 27, 2010
Bern, Suíça 27.08.2010

Bern, Switzerland 27.08.2010 – From St. Gallen to Bern, the spectacle of green plains, the harmony of colors and shapes of which we imagined in Switzerland. It’s still early, we got to Musigbistrot where the smile of the Brazilian Andrea Azzi was already waiting! It is so comforting to find brothers when one is speaking for so many days away from the roots! :) Our tour guide showed us her space - Musigbistrot was once a residence of jazz musicians who gathered there to play and live. We can imagine perfectly this past, because Andrea undertook the effort to continue to make that huge and comfortable house, always with open windows onto the garden, a space for art, culture and gatherings! The promise is to return to play, learn more about Bern, and of course taking a family picture with our lovely hostess! :) Thanks, Andrea! Susana.
Regresso da chuva
Começou a chover aqui em St Gallen, na Suiça, através da janela por onde as árvores nos convidam a partir.
Talvez seja a tempestade que procurava o nosso abraço na fronteira da Polónia.
João Rui

Return of the rain - With eyes still fixed on the lie of the heart: if tomorrow didn’t open her eyes, the secrets that lurk beneath the skin would be so many that they would open again only to close with even more violence. It began raining here in St Gallen, Switzerland, through the window where the trees invite us to leave. Perhaps it is the storm that was looking for our embrace at the border of Poland.
Joao Rui
agosto 26, 2010
St Gallen, Suíça 26.08.2010

St Gallen, Switzerland 26.08.2010 - After Stuttgart, we headed to the pretty town of St. Gallen, Switzerland. One of the most fascinating things of being in a tour is waking in the morning and be sure that we are facing another day full of good surprises that await us. We always know that we’ll have a new city, a new country, new people, new delicious meals ( eheheh!), a new audience and to culminate the day, a concert where we’ll will strip the soul, on behalf of the Wolf ... At Cult Bar, St Gallen, we found all this:) This time, Mike was the friendly host who cooked for us and opened the doors of this place of such a familiar environment! Another concert marked by intimacy and the warm silences of the public... But the surprises did not end here, because the night was spent at the home of Roy that made us feel truly privileged. After a long night, between conversations and glasses of red wine, Roy awoke at dawn to knead bread for our breakfast! You may drool, yes! After all, how many bands are entitled to all this?! Thank you, Roy! Thanks, Mike! :). Susana
Stuttgart 21
Silenciosa. Sem trovão nem segredo.
A estrada levou-nos por Leipzig, não por o caminho ser mais curto em termos de distância, mas por outros devaneios e um problema gritante…
“Café Galão” é o nome do clube onde nos esperava o nosso cicerone, Rainer. Porquê um nome Português tão longe do mar? História antiga de ecos, sem presença física de marinheiros dessas bandas.
Hoje há um rumor estranho nas ruas de Stuttgart. Um “rumore”. Seguimos o Rainer até Stuttgart 21, a velha estação ferroviária que na calada da noite o governo decidiu destruir com um contrato injusto. 20 anos de poeira de máquinas rasgando os jardins e árvores que circundam Stuttgart 21. As pessoas afluem cada vez em maior número e são mais as rugas que a voz da juventude que aqui vêm colocar o corpo ao encontro da espada da Lei. “não são as vossas árvores, são as nossas árvores”, “não é a vossa Stuttgart 21, é a nossa Stuttgart 21”. Vigília de paixão que se vai estender através da noite. Nas grades que as forças da autoridade colocaram em torno da velha estação, o vento acaricia milhares de folhas de papel e bilhetes de amor, raiva e de despedida que os habitantes ali colocaram.
E senti um calafrio, como se me encontrasse outra vez na sombra da arcada da casa da Giulietta. Mas o coração que penduraram nos gradeamentos, é centelha do bem na fogueira do mal.
Boa sorte meus amigos, espero que vençam.
Abalados neste tumulto, o concerto de hoje que é o primeiro na Vaterland, é elixir do esquecimento para todos quantos vieram conhecer o lobo.
Obrigado Kleon, Stefanie, Rainer.
Obrigado meus bons amigos.
Obrigado Rainer.
João Rui

Stuttgart 21 - As we approached the border of Poland with Germany, the clouds that rose before us, tumbled against each other; they brought with them the storm to where we were moving. Silent. No thunder nor secret. The road led us through Leipzig, not because the path was shorter in distance, but for other musings and a glaring problem ... "Café Galão" is the name of the club where our host was waiting: Rainer. Why a Portuguese name so far from the sea? Ancient history of echoes, without the physical presence of sailor from those waves. Today there is a strange noise in the streets of Stuttgart. A "rumore". We follow Rainer to Stuttgart 21, the old railway station that in the dead of night, the government decided to destroy with an unfair contract. 20 years of dust from machines tearing up the gardens and trees surrounding Stuttgart 21. People flock in increasing numbers and it’s more wrinkles than the voice of youth who come here to put the body against the sword of the law "these are not your trees, these are our trees," it is not your Stuttgart 21, it is our Stuttgart 21". A vigil of passion that will extend through the night. The grids that the forces of authority placed around the old station, is where the wind caresses thousands of sheets of paper and love notes of anger and farewell from the people that posted them. And I felt a chill, as if I was again in the shadow of the arch of the house of Giulietta. But the heart that hangs on these railings is the spark of good in the fire of evil. Good luck my friends, I hope you win. Shaken with this turmoil, the concert today that was the first in the Vaterland is an elixir of forgetfulness to all who came to know the wolf. Thank Kleon, Stefanie, Rainer. Thank you my good friends. Thanks Rainer. Joao Rui
agosto 25, 2010
Stuttgart, Alemanha 25.08.2010
O concerto foi íntimo, com silêncios quentes e acolhedores e o After Party muito childish, com o Rainer e o Kleon (myspace.com/anymusicgroup , better new world) ao volante de uma sessão fotográfica anacronicamente halloweenesca e muito divertida!! :)

Stuttgart, Germany 25.08.2010 - It is said that Germans are cold and reserved, not a bias we found in the city of Stuttgart!The concert was intimate, warm and cozy with silences. The After Party was very childish, with Rainer and Kleon (myspace.com / anymusicgroup, better new world) behind the wheel of a photo session anachronistically halloweeneshy and great fun! :) Susana
João Rui

Dziękuję - How often dost thou think: how I wished blindness, to not know what I'm going to leave behind when I move away from here. And a voice from cries from my sea to Poland: tell this town, my second mother, I'm still her child. João Rui
Stuttgart, Alemanha 25.08.2010

Stuttgart, Alemanha 25.08.2010
Stuttgart, Germany 25.08.2010 - In Stuttgart, we played at Galão Cafe, a bright and quiet space where they serve good food and good music. Rainer is the captain of this ship, and although we does not respect traffic lights at 4am, during the day he led us safely through his city and was a fantastic tour guide! Susana
agosto 24, 2010
Suponho que a força do impacto que uma cidade tem em nós, depende das estradas por onde tropeçamos até ao deslumbramento.
Obrigado nosso bom amigo.
Joao Rui

Wien? - We continue on the path between the green landscapes of the immense green that is born in Slovenia and ends here in Vienna, Austria.I suppose the force of the impact that a city has on us depends on the roads where we stumble to the dazzling. And so, today without even time to delight with a strudel or a Sacher pie, for us, Wien is Christian. A musician in love with the sound of the voice that came from the Mediterranean and came to the wolf through the echoes of Corridonia. Thank you, our good friend. We leave the Inclusive Theater Group and their reservoir dogs behind and move forward. Also thank you: Uli, Sigi, and Claudia. We’ll meet later. Joao Rui
agosto 23, 2010
Kot Volk

Kot Volk - Ljubljana is a name of a butterfly of lost flight;
and as I walk from street to street, I find the pieces of your torned heart.
João Rui
agosto 22, 2010
Il rumore de la vespa
Pouco depois partimos, em direcção à Eslovénia, também pela estrada que rasga a escuridão. Ainda ouço o riso da Eva, do Marco, do Mauro, da Cinzia e o rumore da vespa do Andrea, que ainda aqui nos acompanha.

Il rumore de la vespa - These are the last hours in which we speak Italian. At least for ten days, since the return to Italy is already promised. The next five concerts are in five different countries. But before leaving Montefano, under a light that lights the quiet pastures that receive it. The Drama Emperor band open us the doors of their house and people come in increasing numbers until there is almost no grass for the wolf to run. We took balance and advanced to the darkness. Shortly after we left, heading for Slovenia, also through the road that tears the darkness. I still hear the laughter of Eva, Marco, Mauro, Cinzia and the rumore of Andrea's Vespa is still here with us. João Rui
agosto 21, 2010
agosto 20, 2010
La passione delle rovine
O coração guarda segredos que eu não compreendo e que regressam mesmo quando a mim os não convido.
Quando aqui viemos pela primeira vez, já o sol se escapava para as margens do Adriático e deixava-nos em braços que não conhecíamos.
Isto é diferente; talvez todo o retorno seja diferente; talvez seja essa a sua natureza.
Como me explicou o Andrea, o nome Macerata advém da palavra “ruína” porque esta cidade foi construída sobre as ruínas de outra mais velha que agora é raiz orgulhosa dos sorrisos que a recordam.
Foi esse sorriso que nos veio receber hoje. O da Eva, do Mauro, da Giulia, do Marco, do Andrea, da Cinzia, da Fidelia e de tantos outros dos quais não recordo o nome ou não cheguei a saber, mas dos quais já conheço os olhos.
Contaram-me que há 4 anos que não viam aqui tantas pessoas neste local de concerto e muito menos a um dia da semana. Os carros estacionados ao longo da rua jaziam numa fila gigantesca para vir ouvir o lobo nas encostas de Sasso D’Italia, este monte a partir do qual posso ver o meu coração.
Talvez tenha sido isso: o rumor de tantos passos o que tenha acordado as velhas ruínas da cidade. Antes de se ouvir a canção Like The Wolf, costumo explicar o conceito do álbum: da quebra da ilusão. Desta vez, como nunca antes e provavelmente como nunca mais, no preciso momento em que disse no meu pobre italiano “e então tu apercebes-te que o lobo é apenas um cão”, da esquerda do palco entre nós e o sorriso do público surgiu um cão que calmamente passeou até diante do meu microfone ao centro do palco.
Faltaram-me as palavras. Ainda me faltam.
Quem me dera não acordar se isto fosse um sonho.
Olhou para nós e depois retornou tranquilamente para a escuridão de onde tinha saído, para o lado esquerdo, que é onde o coração não dorme.
Um pouco depois do concerto, quando o estrondo das palmas se esvaía pelas fissuras do palco, reencontramos uma das caras que conhecemos na primeira vez que aqui estivemos em Fevereiro. Também ela transformada por este tempo que nos separou de Itália. Ainda mais a sua pele, adornada agora com o sol que ilumina a contracapa do Like The Wolf. O Mesmo sol; pintado a negro sob a pele, junto ao sangue. Para sempre.
Outra voz contou-me que já não subia a este monte porque os seus medos habitavam estas colinas e que hoje aqui veio para os enfrentar. Como o Lobo.
Disse-lhe o que a minha mãe me disse: que toda a vida vamos encontrar lobos. Sempre.
E agora que o sono chama por nós, ouço a voz que nos canta das ruínas.
João Rui

La passione delle rovine - Can you hear it? It is the old town that breathes beneath this one, that bends when its name is heard. Macerata. The heart keeps secrets that I do not understand and that return even when I do not invite them to me. When we came here for the first time, the sun was escaping to the shores of the Adriatic and let us in the arms of those who did not know us. This time it is different. Perhaps the entire return is different, maybe that is its nature. As Andrea explained to me, the name Macerata comes from the word "ruins" because this city was built on the ruins of another, an elder that is now a proud root of the smiles that recall her. It was this smile that came to receive us today. The smile of Eva, of Mauro, Giulia, Marco, Andrea, Cinzia, Fidelia and many others of whom I do not remember the name or did not get to know but of whom I already know the eyes. They told me that it’s been four years since they saw so many people here in this concert venue. The cars parked along the street lay on a huge queue to come and hear the wolf on the slopes of Sasso d'Italia. This mountain from which I can see my heart. Perhaps it was this: the sound of many steps which have awakened the old city ruins. Before playing the song Like The Wolf, I usually explain the concept of the album: the breaking of the illusion. This time, like never before and probably never again, in the precise moment that I said in my poor Italian “and then you realize that the wolf is just a dog", In the stage between us and the public came a dog who calmly walked up in front of my microphone to the center stage. Words failed me. I still have no words. How I wished not to wake up again if this was a dream. He looked at us and then returned quietly to the darkness from where he came, from the left, which is where the heart does not sleep. Shortly after the concert, when the roar of applause dissipated through the cracks of the stage, we found one of the faces who knew us from the first time we were here in February. She was also transformed by this time that separated us from Italy. Her skin even more, now adorned with the sun that illuminates the cover of Like The Wolf. The same sun, painted in black under the skin, near the blood. Forever. Another voice told me that she hadn’t climbed this mountain for so long because of the fears that inhabited these hills and that she came here today to address them. Like the Wolf. I told her what my mother told me: that through the rest of your life we will find wolves. Different ones. Always. And now that sleep is calling we hear the voice that sings from the ruins. Joao Rui
agosto 19, 2010
agosto 18, 2010
agosto 17, 2010
Macerata 16 a 20.08.2010

Macerata From the 16 to the 20.08.2010 - If the natural landscape of Italy always leaves us spellbound, people conquer us with a relentless heart! The first time we played near Macerata, in Corridonia, the club SOMS was really special. The power of the concert, the place, the talks and smiles have left their marks. We are back. It was like a homecoming to a place where we feel wanted! Latinos as well, our friends gave us the pleasuer of the delicious Italian cuisine. Eva and Marco, Cinzia and Mauro, Andrea and Chiara, Giulia and Luca, all cooked for us, and amici, we got out of there a bit heavier! ;) Sunana
agosto 16, 2010
Macerata 16 a 20.08.2010

Macerata From the 16 To the 20.08.2010 - Two concerts in Macerata (One at Sasso d'Itália and the other in a country house, somewhere in the middle of nowhere) they allowed us to enjoy this wonder place. The old city, a charming labyrinth of alleys and old buildings, must be responsible for many torn necks. well, we escaped from this collateral effect, but fortunately not from the spell of the stone. Susana.
Alpes 16.08.2010

Alps 16.08.2010 - "Awake, you're in the Alps!" My two wolves drove all night. Between coffees and vigils, we crossed France and we dawned with the Alps. We saw them slowly changing colors in their maximum splendor. Inside, the arrival to Italy was prepared with the reading of the Portuguese-Italian conversational guide. Maximum score for Joao Rui!
À espera do Mar
Daqui a duas horas estamos em Sasso D’Italia. Ao Encontro dos amigos que aqui encontrámos.
Amici mei...

agosto 15, 2010
A chanson pour les marins de le bateau ivre
Merci Fif.
É como ele diz: “Agora que vos conheço, é para toda a vida”
João Rui

A chanson pour les marins de le bateau ivre - We enter this vessel called "Le Galopin" at the hands of Philippe, the helmsman of this religious night. He presents us all: Monkey Treasure, The Craftmen Club. House of musicians. The people have to become smaller so all can fit before we go out at sea. Burst of voices. A truly drunken boat that won’t let the wolf leave the stage. And then, after the 19 songs that we had already delivered them, we present another. This time a new song that did not yet know the thunder of the stage. Thus, we will never get out of this drunken boat. Merci Fif. It’s as he says: "Now that I know you, it's for life" Joao Rui
agosto 13, 2010
"Elle est retrouvée. Quoi ? - L'Eternité"
Ruborizam-se os vestidos nas voltas que o vento lhes entrega.
Talvez o tempo seja castigo de tudo em torno deles e só a dança conheça os seus segredos.
Talvez não seja a voz que se tenha esquecido do tom, mas os ouvidos que tenham olvidado a oferenda do seu abraço.
Et commence!

"Elle est retrouvée. Quoi ? - L'Eternité" - The couples, as old as the band, of costumes even more aged, swirl under this French sun, which yesterday belonged to Spain. The dresses blush in the turns with which the wind surrenders. Perhaps time is punishment for everything around them and only the dance knows their secrets. Perhaps it was not the voice that forgot the tone, but the ears that have forgotten the offering of its embrace. Et commence! João Rui
agosto 12, 2010
A 70 dias de casa
Começamos por Málaga, sul de Espanha. O calor foi nosso fiel companheiro desde a partida de Coimbra – é curioso o sorriso da frescura de 30 graus: quando nos vemos envoltos a cada segundo que passa por dez graus mais, então os 30 são um bálsamo impressionante.
Adormecemos em Málaga à espera da abertura das portas da “La Caja Blanca”
Sinfonia de cigarras.
Inicio auspicioso. Ouvidos preciosos.
Este palco foi hoje lugar onde estreámos duas músicas novas. Terá sempre lugar no coração.
Assim que cai o pano regressamos ao calor da noite. Ruas desertas, calor abrasador.

70 days from home - This time the sun will hear our footsteps everywhere until we return home. 70 Days, twelve countries and about 50 concerts. Hell, the wolf has so much to walk. We begin by Malaga, southern Spain. Heat was our faithful companion since the departure from Coimbra – it’s curious, the smile of the freshness of 30 degrees: when we are surrounded every second that passes by ten more degrees, then 30 is an impressive balm. The night and its charms: Sevilha at 6 am had been waiting for us to wake up the statues of funeral that lurked beneath the arches of the cathedral. Hurried footsteps of morning vigils. We fell asleep in Malaga waiting for the opening the doors of La Caja Blanca. Symphony of Buzzers. Auspicious beginnings. Precious ears. This stage was where today we debuted two new songs. This stage will always have place in my heart. As soon as the curtain falls we return to the heat of the night. Deserted streets. Burning heat. Joao Rui