Hoje o Lobo foi anfitrião dos blues dos Vinegar Socks. Então subimos ao palco para como eles partilhar canções. A Susana largou o arco do violino à “Six Blind Days” seguida de imediato pelo sorriso do Paolo cujo arco rasgou nova melodia dentro dos meus olhos cerrados. Cerro ainda mais os olhos e ouço as mãos do Filipo no cajon; cerro o coração para que não me esqueça. O Jordan é o último dos três a assomar o palco e acompanham eles a noite ao seu fim.
Partimos em direcção ao Mondego.
Joao Rui

Abysses - What would be of the road without the small abysses that surround it? In each one there’s at least one good story to tell. Since the 7th that we don’t stop. The miles are growing longer in our knuckles while they go along the strings of saudade. According to what I remember we’ve travelled far enough to go through our country three times – that number three – if the road was straight. But she’s tortuous like the traces of our hands. And these are for me as strange as so many paths I would love to meet before I have to go away. And today was one of these days where we were lost through strange paths. Vast landscapes extended to the horizon; small handfuls of green bordered with stone walls adorned that what the view did encompass. But as we were also lost the time, we moved fast to Coimbra.
Today the wolf was the host of the Vinegar Socks blues. Then we went up the stage to share our songs with them. Susan dropped the bow of the violin to the "Six Blind Days" followed immediately by the smile of Paolo whose bow carved a new tune inside my closed eyes. I close them even more and hear it in the hands of Filippo; I close my heart so that I will not forget. Jordan is the last of the three to take the stage and they accompany the night to its end.
We move towards Mondego. I give them stories of the Boatman that lead to Rome ... Joao Rui
Como gosto de vos ler!
ResponderEliminarAssim vou matando as saudades tambem.
A tua voz mais a"pena" com que exprimes vivências são dois dons realmente excepcionais. CONTINUA!!!
Quando leio estas palavras sinto-me, autenticamente, dentro de um filme, e por isso digo: obrigada por esta fantástica partilha. E boas viagens!
ResponderEliminarthank you :)