É como fechar os olhos e alguém virar o mapa do avesso. Mas há que aprender a aceitar as pequenas contrariedades como experiências de vida – claro que se enfrentam melhor com mais do que meia hora de sono no pêlo, mas é tudo bom. Desviámo-nos cerca de 300Km e 4 horas do planeado e pousámos entre gaufres e baldes de café. Tudo é bom. Nem nos recebeu o frio para o qual vínhamos preparados nem tão pouco a polícia encontrou ainda razão para o habitual rendez-vous. Atravessamos boa parte da Alemanha e em poucas horas, sem dar por isso, já estamos na Bélgica à porta do Piola.Libri com o nosso nome no cartaz do aniversário. Parece ser uma casa que guarda histórias, como as que eu vou guardar se o sono não me roubar o pouco que me resta da lucidez que mal sobra para escrever.
Joao Rui
Iron Bird (VI - Frankfurt) - Of singing so much, the thief ended arrested. Maybe it’s the late hour, the dark circles around my eyes, or the mathematical question: the thief does not work at the half-dozen; he’s got courage for just a handful of charms and nothing more. And since I’m not one to leave the six strings far from me, we stayed together in the dock watching the Iron Bird flapping his wings to Karlsruhe (damn!) It’s like closing our eyes and someone coming and turning the map around. But one must accept the little adversities like life experiences – of course one can stand it better with more than just a half hour of sleep, but all is good. We got off course for about 300Km and 4 hours. We arrived between buckets of coffee and gauffres. All is good. We were not received by the cold for which we had prepared and the police did not find a reason for the natural rendez-vous. We go across a good part of Germany and in a few hours, without noticing, we are in Belgium at the door of the Piola.Libri with our name in the birthday poster. Looks like it’s a house that holds stories like the ones I will keep if sleep does not take the rest of the lucidity that I barely have to write. Joao Rui
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