Depois de dois meses da ausência anunciada, regressámos a casa. É tempo de romãs, mas o que encontrámos no umbral da nossa porta foram laranjas! Caso para dizer que o tempo vai esculpindo as suas dádivas no nosso Jardim das Hespérides ;)
Já no interior, casa arrumada pelos rapazes, nova disposição dos instrumentos na sala, novo fôlego, muita energia e muitos sonhos colados ao tecto, como balões (ultimamente a nossa vida tem sido isto – insuflar sonhos!!). A vontade é de abrir as portas e começar imediatamente a partilhar, mas há que aguardar, alguns temas ainda estão a ser misturados, o trabalho ainda não está completo.
O fim-de-semana foi dedicado à preparação de uma pequena surpresa que a seu tempo revelaremos. Até lá, vão comendo laranjas!! :P
Já no interior, casa arrumada pelos rapazes, nova disposição dos instrumentos na sala, novo fôlego, muita energia e muitos sonhos colados ao tecto, como balões (ultimamente a nossa vida tem sido isto – insuflar sonhos!!). A vontade é de abrir as portas e começar imediatamente a partilhar, mas há que aguardar, alguns temas ainda estão a ser misturados, o trabalho ainda não está completo.
O fim-de-semana foi dedicado à preparação de uma pequena surpresa que a seu tempo revelaremos. Até lá, vão comendo laranjas!! :P
Return to the blue house.
After two months of an announced absence, we came back home. It is time for pomegranates, but what we found in the threshold of our door were oranges! Suffice to say that time is sculpting his gifts in our Hesperides Garden;) Inside the house, it’s tidy and there is a new disposition of the instruments in the room by the boys; there’s a new breath, a lot of energy and many dreams sticking to the ceiling, like balloons (lately our lives have been that – inflating dreams!). The desire is to open the door and immediately begin to share, but one has to wait, for some tracks are still being mixed; the work is not yet complete. The weekend was devoted to preparing a small surprise that in time will be revealed. Until then, keep eating oranges :P
After two months of an announced absence, we came back home. It is time for pomegranates, but what we found in the threshold of our door were oranges! Suffice to say that time is sculpting his gifts in our Hesperides Garden;) Inside the house, it’s tidy and there is a new disposition of the instruments in the room by the boys; there’s a new breath, a lot of energy and many dreams sticking to the ceiling, like balloons (lately our lives have been that – inflating dreams!). The desire is to open the door and immediately begin to share, but one has to wait, for some tracks are still being mixed; the work is not yet complete. The weekend was devoted to preparing a small surprise that in time will be revealed. Until then, keep eating oranges :P
damn straight girl!
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